
New Mantra!

I have been working with a spiritual psychologist, Diane Porchia, who is helping me heal old, deep-seeded wounds. She gave me the following mantras to help me re-program my thoughts/life. It helped me tremendously! I think it will help you, too.

Here are the instructions: Print the mantra out, put it on your bathroom mirror and read it several times a day, then, write it out word-for-word at night. Do this for 32 days. Keep a journal during this process. You will be surprised at how much it will help! Please see it below!

I forgive myself for judging myself as having to prove my self-worth to others. And in my new awareness I know I am a genuinely loving, kind and generous person to all beings while also honoring what is best for me.

I forgive myself for judging myself as guilty & responsible for others and in my new awareness I know I am responsible for making self-loving, self-nurturing & Self-honoring choices for my own health & happiness.

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